Monday 22 April 2013

Hamas Mickey Mouse’s 6 Year Broadcast Anniversary

Bogus evil Mickey Mouse......They just have ro steal everything....the Jewish Homeland (if they could), history, European countries......and poor lovable Mickey Mouse........

Last week marked the sixth anniversary of the first broadcast of Hamas’ children’s program “Tomorrow’s Pioneers”. The show, broadcast since April 13, 2007 on Hamas TV station “Al-Aqsa TV”, features a young host and her co-host – a large costumed animal named Farfour.

Despite having a name that means “butterfly,” Farfour is clearly a Mickey Mouse rip-off. The only difference being that Farfour and his co-host, a young girl named Saraa’, teach children about the importance of the daily prayers and drinking milk, but also instruct them to hate Israel and the US and support “resistance” – a euphemism for terror.

Fox News report about the Hamas children’s character

Here are Farfour’s top quotes from the show:

Farfour refers to Israel as “the oppressive invading Zionist occupation,” which thechildren must “resist.”

“Oh Jerusalem we are coming. Oh Jerusalem, it is the time of death. Oh Jerusalem, we will never surrender to the enemy, and we will never be humiliated. It is beloved Palestine that taught us what to be. And taught us to be soldiers of the Lord.”

“The people firmly stand, singing this to you. … Its answer is an AK-47. We who do not know fear, we are the predators of the forest,” Farfour squeaks in one episode while miming throwing a grenade and shooting a rifle.

Hamas Mickey Mouse teaches children to kill Jews

After attracting worldwide attention for its radical content, the show was taken off the air “to make room for new programs,” according to station officials, although station manager Mohammed Bilal said he did not know what would be shown instead.

But of course Hamas’ senior officials would not allow for Farfour to be simply taken off the air - so in the last episode they made him a martyr. At the end of the episode, Saraa’, Farfour’s young co-host, announces:

“Yes, my dear children, we have lost our dearest friend, Farfour. Farfour was martyred while defending his land, the land of his fathers and his forefathers. He was martyred at the hand of the criminals, the murderers [Israel].”

Farfour, Hamas’ Mickey Mouse character, is ‘martyred’ in the final episode of the “Pioneers of Tomorrow” children show on Hamas TV

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