The often apologetic propagandists who discreetly adhere to various shades of Islamism tend to defend their cause by suggesting an unimpressively limited number of arguments which they (sometimes rightly) think would appeal to the Western audience. Their sole purpose is to convince the politically and militarily more powerful West that Islam is not evil but that a few terrorists who think they are Islamists can be. They think this is smart warfare for the advancement of Islam not necessarily as a religion but as a political ideology: the physical and intellectual supremacy of Islam across the world. The apologists think that the terrorists are wrong because they opt for the wrong methodology to achieve the same goal.
The intellectual warrior of Islamism will tell you Islam is not terrorism. He is right. But he will refrain from telling you what Islamism is. He will tell you that only a fraction of the world’s Muslim population, 10 percent, would sympathize with the terrorist attacks on Western societies. Then you will have to calculate that that means 120 million or so Muslims sympathizing with terrorism. You will then have to ponder how many of those 120 million potential terrorists would actually take up arms and bombs and kill you or your beloved ones.
And when I say “you” I don’t mean non-Muslims only; the target group is much wider. It may include anyone any Islamist may deem an “infidel,” including Muslims. In fact, Islamist violence in modern political history has killed more Muslims than any adherents of any other faith or no faith combined. It still kills more Muslims than Christians or Jews or atheists.
But the horror story about Islamism is not about killing or other means of violence only. And this is where the shy Islamist propagandists are making a historic mistake; rather than wearing a million different masks in the ballrooms of the West to defend Islam(ism) and shyly telling their secret enemies “oh-but-this-is-not-Islam,” or “ah-uh-we-condemn-terror-but-not-all-Muslims-are-terrorists,” they should fight the physical and intellectual terrorists to defend the honor of their religion.
Of course, not all Muslims are terrorists. But the willing chorus of Muslim apologists should devote their time, energy and resources to fight the heart of the matter rather than to minimize the PR effects of what the heart of the matter causes. And the heart of the matter is not necessarily terror.
I would expect the apologists to intellectually fight, for instance, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia who insists that girls are fit for marriage by the age of 10-12, or the Saudi court which declines to nullify a marriage between a six-year-old girl and a 58-year-old man. They should intellectually fight the same Mufti for saying that all churches in the Arabian Peninsula must be destroyed. The courts which sentenced the Turkish pianist who tweeted and retweeted atheist contents. The Muslims who burn and destroy anything that comes handy because they feel offended by someone or something they think had offended their faith.
They should intellectually fight the Islamist tyranny that jails, tortures and intimidates, by all means possible, any Muslim who is not “Muslim enough.” They should challenge the religion minister of the world’s most populous Muslim country who proposes making mini skirts a “porn crime,” or that country’s parliament speaker who says rape happens because women don’t dress decently. They should challenge Hamas’s charter which calls for the annihilation of all adherents of a faith. They should stand up, unapologetically, and challenge why Jerusalem should be a holy Muslim city while there is not a single mention of it in the Quran and Muslims residing in lands between Mecca and Jerusalem pray facing Mecca with their backs to Jerusalem.
Instead of doing futile PR work in Western lands, they should ask Muslims why they get offended when other Muslims drink alcohol or eat pork or refrain from fasting during Ramadan. And they better wake up from sweet dreams in which they clean up their religion’s image in the eyes of the Westerners -- only until another Muslim wakes up to a fine day to badly damage it. A fellow Muslim whom they had ignored to intellectually challenge a day or so ago.
A WHITE Muslim convert who plotted a terror attack on soldiers and grieving families in the town of Royal Wootton Bassett has been jailed for six years.
Richard Dart, 30 - who was converted by the radical cleric Anjem Choudary - also discussed targeting members of the security services including "M15 or M16 heads".
The radical Muslim extremist - the son of teachers from Dorset - was branded “dangerous” by security services as he talked of targeting civilians and military in the UK.
Today the former BBC security guard refused to stand as he received an 11-year extended sentence a the Old Bailey.
Under the extended sentence provisions he received a six-year prison term with an additional five years on licence.
When released from prison, he will be on licence for five years and liable to recall at any stage of the period.
Terror plot ... Jahangir Alom and Imran Mahmood
Dart and former PCSO and TA cadet Jahangir Alom, 26, tried to attend terror camps in the tribal areas of Pakistan and sought help from terror trained Imran Mahmood, 22.
Anti-terror police found Dart had a memory stick in which he named Choudary as an executor of his will and had £4,800 on him.
But once stopped from travelling Dart and Mahmood began plotting attacks in the UK despite being watched by the security services.
They would communicate by typing into a word document and then delete the files or writing texts on their mobiles and then showing each other the screens.
Unknown to them computer experts were able to recover some of the deleted files.
In one, Mahmood suggested targeting the Wiltshire town and the security services as British troops were returned through Royal Wootton Bassett.
Last year Dart, who has changed his name to Salahuddin al Britani, featured in a BBC documentary filmed by his own brother about his conversion to Islam.
During the film, called My Brother the Islamist, Dart was seen protesting about British soldiers in Afghanistan and calling them ’murderers’ and called for Sharia law to be established in Britain.
Alom’s wife Ruksana Begum, 22, of Islington, has already been sentenced to a year after pleaded guilty to possessing the al Qaeda magazines Inspire.
The trio were arrested in July of last year.
Dart, of Ealing, west London; Mahmood of Northolt, west London; and Alom of Stratford, east London, each pleaded guilty to one charge of engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism between July 2010 and July 2012.
Vienna: Muslims demonstrate outside U.S. Embassy in favor of the Boston jihad bomber
We are convinced of the innocence of our brother. There is no evidence that he is guilty. America needs a new enemy." Once again we see the Islamic supremacist deflection of responsibility: any evil perpetrated by Muslims anywhere in the world is always, always the fault of someone else. Even the moderates and pseudo-moderates in the U.S. who condemned the Boston bombings disclaimed any need for examining how the texts and teachings of Islam incite to violence and supremacism, and doing anything about that.
"Wien: Mini-Demo für Boston-Bomber," German-language article from Kurier, April 25 (thanks to Christa). Here is a rough translation:
Vienna: mini-demo for Boston BomberAround 40 people demonstrated for the Boston bombers.
Vienna Chechens called upon their compatriots via Facebook to protest outside the U.S. Embassy. They demanded solidarity for the Boston bombers, and solidarity for Muslims and Chechens, because of allegations that the FBI had falsified evidence against the brothers. The "Pro-Tsarnaev" Rally had called for the demonstration via Facebook.
The police went in the afternoon, and assumed that the demo would remain on a small scale. Roadblocks were not planned.
Finally, about 4:30PM, around 40 peaceful demonstrators marched toward a large contingent of police. Men and women demonstrated separately. Among the protesters were both female veil wearers and women in Western dress.
"We are convinced of the innocence of our brother. There is no evidence that he is guilty. America needs a new enemy," read the Chechens' signs....
FRANCE: Sudden Jihad Syndrome s’il voplait?
Iranian slashes the throat of a Rabbi and attacks his son with a boxcutter. Officials cannot imagine what the motive could have been, even though the attacker was reported to have shouted “Allahu Akbar.”
Daily Caller (h/t Robert W) The rabbi, who is in his late 40s, was recovering from surgery for a neck injury and his 18-year-old son sustained lesser injuries in the attack north of a touristic shopping area near Paris’ gilded Opera Garnie. The assailant was of Iranian origin, and an official investigation was underway to determine a possible motive, Prasquier said.
President Morsi of Egypt (Center)
Agnes Thibault-Lecuivre, a spokeswoman for the Paris prosecutor’s office, said the two victims had been wearing Jewish skullcaps, and the attacker was detained after a chase through the synagogue. The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which monitors anti-Semitic incidents worldwide, said in a statement that the assailant screamed “Allah-u-Akbar” — or “God is great” — during the attack.
MyJihadist kills three in the south of France on Thursday when a gunman, who claimed to be part of al-Qaeda opened fire apparently at random in the southern town of Istres.
The Local (h/t Robert W) A 55-year-old woman was also left slightly injured after a bullet grazed her ear and police found a Kalashnikov automatic rifle in a ditch near the scene in the small town near Marseille, police sources said. “Everything points to him having dumped it there after the shooting,” one said, adding that the suspect was known to police for hoarding military weapons. One of the victims, a man thought to be in his sixties, was shot dead at the wheel of his car, the other two were male pedestrians, both local men aged 35 and 45 respectively.
A witness to the incident described how the 19-year-old suspect had walked around with his rifle poised “as if he was out hunting” and might easily have killed more people.
“When a car drove up to him, he raised his rifle and pointed it at the driver. Luckily there was no one on the roundabout ahead and the driver did not stop. That saved his life.” The shooter was arrested not far from the scene at a roundabout on the road towards Romaniquette beach, near the city of Marseilles.
According to early reports in the French media the gunman opened fire at around 2pm in the middle of a busy street for reasons that are still unclear. He apparently aimed his weapon at people standing outside their homes. The RTL radio station reported the man had claimed to belong to terrorist organisation Al Qaeda.
"We are convinced of the innocence of our brother. There is no evidence that he is guilty. America needs a new enemy." Once again we see the Islamic supremacist deflection of responsibility: any evil perpetrated by Muslims anywhere in the world is always, always the fault of someone else. Even the moderates and pseudo-moderates in the U.S. who condemned the Boston bombings disclaimed any need for examining how the texts and teachings of Islam incite to violence and supremacism, and doing anything about that.
"Wien: Mini-Demo für Boston-Bomber," German-language article from Kurier, April 25 (thanks to Christa). Here is a rough translation:
Vienna: mini-demo for Boston BomberAround 40 people demonstrated for the Boston bombers.
Vienna Chechens called upon their compatriots via Facebook to protest outside the U.S. Embassy. They demanded solidarity for the Boston bombers, and solidarity for Muslims and Chechens, because of allegations that the FBI had falsified evidence against the brothers. The "Pro-Tsarnaev" Rally had called for the demonstration via Facebook.
The police went in the afternoon, and assumed that the demo would remain on a small scale. Roadblocks were not planned.
Finally, about 4:30PM, around 40 peaceful demonstrators marched toward a large contingent of police. Men and women demonstrated separately. Among the protesters were both female veil wearers and women in Western dress.
"We are convinced of the innocence of our brother. There is no evidence that he is guilty. America needs a new enemy," read the Chechens' signs....
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