Another fire in Judea and Samaria.
Israeli and Arab firefighters worked together to extinguish an arson fire in Beit El.
Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria experienced a violent weekend, being subjected to numerous terror attacks perpetrated by Arabs throughout the region.
Arab arsonists took advantage of the dry and hot weather this weekend and ignited brush fields in several locations, in an attempt to cause damage to homes and property and to destroy produce.
In Amona, Arabs set fire to fields surrounding the community. A similar fire was started in Hashmonaim. Two Arab minors were arrested by the IDF in Samaria on suspicion of starting a third fire. They were released after their personal information was taken. On Shabbat afternoon, a fire was ignited near Beit El. Israeli and Arab firefighters worked together to extinguish the fire.
In Elazar, in Gush Etzion, three Arab youths infiltrated the community on the eve of Shabbat. The civilian-based Rapid Response Team (RRT) was alerted. The youth were caught and taken for questioning. A similar incursion took place in Carmei Tsur. Three suspicious figures were identified laying an object on the community fence. More forces were called in to bolster security.
Multiple incidents of stone throwing attacks were recorded throughout Judea and Samaria. Responding to the escalation in violence, the IDF had authorized it forces to use the small caliber 0.22 Luger sniper rifle to stop rioters. Five rioters have been wounded so far. Near Eli, several cars were hit by rocks. A few of the passengers were lightly wounded, one suffered a head injury. He was taken to the hospital.
Dozens of Arabs marched on the Hill 904 community, near Amona, as they do every Friday. The Arabs threw stones at the homes. Two Jews were arrested during the incident by the Border Police on suspicion of the throwing stones at the Arabs. They later said they’d rather defend themselves with stones than with live fire. No Arabs were arrested.
An attorney from the Honenu legal aid organization was dispatched to defend the two. A spokesman for Honenu later stated that “Minister of Justice Tsipi Livni and Minister of Internal Security Aharonowitz are shamefully obsessed with graffiti (i.e. the ‘Price Tag’ actions) and its definition as an act of terror, while ignoring the threats the residents of Judea and Samaria face daily. So the police and army know who the ‘real’ terrorists are and who are merely engaged in their hobby of Jew killing.”
The two were released a short while before Shabbat.
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