Thursday, 14 November 2013

Kerry's True Nature Revealed in Support for Anti-Israel Activists?

Kerry's true colors showing & they are very grimy

From his open adoption of Palestinian positions to his public belittling of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's awareness of the Iran threat, US Secretary of State John Kerry has of late been somewhat more hostile than the Jewish state is used to from senior American officials.
When he was appointed as America's next secretary of state earlier this year, critics warned that when it comes to Israel, Kerry is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Evidence has recently surfaced that suggests those critics were not exaggerating.
Towards the end of 2009, when Kerry was still a US senator, radical left-wing anti-Israel groups decided to enter the Gaza Strip en masse to break the "Isralei siege."
The original idea was to march with thousands of people via the Egyptian Sinai and into Gaza. 
The umbrella group Gaza Freedom March succeeded in obtaining letters of support from various leading public figures, including Kerry.
Israeli journalist Ben Dror Yemini this week provided photographic evidence of Kerry's support (Hebrew) on the website of Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv.
Alas, the march was prevented from entering Gaza, not by Israel, but rather by Egypt, which didn't care one bit who was supporting the effort.
But that didn't stop the groups and individuals participating in the Gaza Freedom March, many of whom went on to take part in theill-fated May 2010 "Free Gaza Flotilla".
The Obama Administration would later put heavy pressure on Israel to apologize to Turkey over the deaths that resulted from stopping the flotilla.
What is most troubling to Yemini about Kerry's behavior is not his signed support for an ostensibly humanitarian effort, but rather his legitimizing of groups and individuals that openly endorse the anti-Israel positions of terrorist groups.
The big names in the Gaza Freedom March were the leaders of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and Code Pink, a radical feminist group with venomous anti-Israel views.
"The letter calls into serious question not only Kerry's political orientation, but especially his discretion when it comes to dealing with issues like Iran and the Palestinians," wrote Yemini.
"The US is Israel's most important friend," the journalist concludes, wondering how one of its most senior officials can "provide legitimacy for groups that support the likes of Hamas, Ahmadinejad and regularly spout hostility toward both Israel and the US."
Israel today 

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