Friday, 28 February 2014

SHOCKING: Palestinians burn Israeli flag near Temple Mount


Dozens of Palestinians, some masked, attempted to torch the entrance to the Lions' Gate in Jerusalem's Old City near the Temple Mount on Wednesday night. The rioters also burned an Israeli flag, and threw stones and firecrackers at police forces.


In images and video posted on social media, the rioters are seen burning the Israeli flag, stepping on it and shouting "A million Shahids (martyrs) march to Al-Aqsa."

The clashes started after several dozens of Arab youths arrived overnight to the Lions' Gate on Temple Mount and asked to carry the body of Jihad al-Tawil, a Palestinian from East Jerusalem who died in the Soroka Medical Center two days ago. Tawil was serving three months in prison for traffic violations at Dekel Prison in Beersheba. Tawil, who was diagnosed with cancer, was hospitalized two weeks ago after having a heart attack.

Following Tawil's death, his family claimed he was hurt from violence and tear gas used when the Israel Prison Service broke into his cell block.


The police force that secures the Temple Mount prevented the rioters from entering the area and as a result, the clashes broke out.


The rioters returned to the Lions' Gate, where they found an abandoned police post and tried to set the door to the post ablaze. There, they also burned the Israeli flag.


The Arab youth threw stones and firecrackers at police who responded with crowd dispersal means. The youths fled towards Ras al-Amud.


Jerusalem police said no one was hurt in the clashes and no suspects were arrested.

The Temple Mount is regularly guarded by police and security forces and is opened for worshippers from the morning hours until 10 pm.

    Wednesday, 26 February 2014

    OBAMA PUTS LIVES AT RISK : Obama “De-Escalation” Policy Requires Soldiers To Carry Weapons Unloaded In Afghanistan



    ” First they want to give medals for “courageous restraint.” Now they want to tie both hands behinds our soldiers’ backs. This isn’t suicide, it’s negligent homicide, in my book.

      Commanders have ordered a U.S. military unit in Afghanistan to patrol with unloaded weapons, according to a source in Afghanistan. American soldiers in at least one unit have been ordered to conduct patrols without a round chambered in their weapons, an anonymous source stationed at a forward operating base in Afghanistan said in an interview.

    “The idea that any combat unit would conduct any operation, including patrolling and even manning a security post—in which direct action may or may not take place—and not having weapons loaded, borders on being criminally negligent in my opinion,” says Lt. Col. W. Thomas Smith Jr., a recognized expert on terrorism and military issues. “This is nothing more than infusing politically correct restrictions into already overly restrictive rules of engagement. And this PC nonsense is going to get people killed.” 

    According to Smith, “American soldiers are highly skilled in the use of ‘loaded’ weapons, and so should be trusted to operate with ‘loaded’ weapons. If someone overseeing decisions on ROE [rules of engagement] thinks not, then ratchet up training. But don’t put a man on the street and force him to go through multiple prompts when a gunfight breaks out. Remember, the situation can go from quiet to kinetic in half the time it takes to breathe.”

    In an ambush situation, just how long does it take to engage a target when your weapon isn’t already loaded? “Too long,” states Sandy Daniel, military veteran and deputy director of the Victory Institute. “The first couple of seconds in an ambush are critical, and when that block of time is used to load a weapon instead of firing, you are losing the time you need to stay alive. Patrolling without a chambered round is suicide.”



    WE DON'T TRUST YOU: Right-wing MKs skeptical, hostile at meeting with US envoy

    Coalition and opposition lawmakers tell Dan Shapiro that US had not been supportive of Israel when there were differences of opinion.

    "We don't trust you" was the message right-wing MKs had for US Ambassador Dan Shapiro, at a spirited meeting at the Knesset Tuesday with lawmakers to discuss the peace process.


    A recording of the meeting obtained by Army Radio reveals angry lawmakers expressing their displeasure at the direction of the current US-led negotiations with the Palestinians.


    "There will be an American document with ideas from both sides, but it has not yet been presented," Shapiro told the MKs. Secretary of State John Kerry has been shuttling between Israeli and Palestinian leaders for months to discuss key elements for a final deal.


    Shapiro also hinted that the framework agreement would not be ready by April, the agreed-upon end date for the talks.


    But veteran Likud MK Reuven Rivlin accused the Americans of siding with the Palestinians, saying that the US statement of principles could not be viewed as impartial, or document about which Israel could express its reservations. 


    "Maybe we will need more time, I hope that it will be possible to extend the initial period (of talks), but the aim is to build a framework agreement so that the sides can move ahead with the negotiations, even if they do have reservations."


    According to the ambassador, there is at least one central issue on which President Barack Obama is on the same page as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – the latter's long-standing demand for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.


    "The end to the conflict is an end to all claims and (includes) the mutual recognition of the nation state of the Jewish people and the nation state of the Palestinian people," Shapiro said.


    This, however, did not mollify the MKs, who have been openly skeptical of the direction of the talks.


    "Why should we believe you?" asked MK David Rotem of Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu party, "When have you ever seen the US support Israel when there have been differences of opinion?"


    In response, Shapiro reminded Rotem that even between good friends there could be differences of opinion. "So why should I trust you?" Rotem shot back.


    As the meeting moved on to other subjects, all those present demanded the release of Jonathan Pollard, the American Jewish naval analyst jailed for spying for Israel.

    Shapiro said the prison sentence was a judicial and not political issue, an explanation which angered Bayit Yehudi MK Orit Struck. 

    "You can't use such unintelligent arguments," Struck said. "Ultimately, you can – but know that we aren’t buying it."


      Israeli official confirms: IAF hit missile convoy entering Lebanon

      Anonymous Israeli official tells TIME that IAF jets struck a missile transport destined for Hezbollah.

      Israeli warplanes struck a convoy transporting surface-to-surface missiles from Syria into Lebanon on Monday in an attempt to prevent Hezbollah from obtaining certain weapons, an anonymous Israeli security official reportedly told TIME Magazine on Tuesday.

      On Monday night, Lebanese media reported that IAF jets had hit a Hezbollah target near the Lebanon-Syria border.

      The unnamed senior security official hinted to TIME that the Lebanese, Shi'ite terrorist organization was capable of carrying warheads heavier and more dangerous than Hezbollah'sreported stockpile currently pointed toward Israel.Thus far, the Israeli army has refused to comment on the reports.

      Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has failed to confirm or deny reports that Israel struck targets on the Syria-Lebanon border late Monday night, cryptically stating that Israel does everything in its power to defend its citizens.

      While some Lebanese reports suggested the attack was carried out against a Hezbollah missile base, others stated that the target of the bombing sorties was a key stop on the route through which arms are smuggled between Lebanon and Syria.

      Asked during a joint press conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkelwhether IAF jets were behind the strike, Netanyahu stated, "Our policy is clear - we will not speak about reports of what we did or didn't do - but we do all that is necessary in order to defend our citizens."

      Hezbollah denied the airstrike on their television network al-Manar. They said there had been "no raid on Lebanese territory," reporting only the "strong presence of enemy planes over the area north of Bekaa" in eastern Lebanon.

      Netanyahu has said repeatedly that Israel would not allow the Syrian regime to transfer chemical weapons or "game-changing" weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

      Israel has reportedly struck weapons convoys traveling from Syria into Lebanon on at least three occasions in the past year.

      Jerusalem post

      UN secretary Ban Ki-moon backs Bristol girl's campaign to tackle FGM through education

      UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon has backed Bristol girl Fahma Mohamed's campaign to put education at the heart of tackling female genital mutilation (FGM).

      The Guardian reported that Ban praised the 17-year-old's campaign – which has now attracted more than 212,000 signatures on - calling it "deeply inspiring", and applauded her call to enlist headteachers to help reach every girl who is at risk of FGM.

      Fahma is one of nine daughters in a Muslim Somali family who came to Britain when she was seven.

      She has seen at firsthand among her friends and family the devastation that FGM can cause and, along with her classmates, has been campaigning for her school to do more.

      Along with Fahma, a broad coalition of charities and campaigners have joined the Guardian newspaper to ask Education Secretary Michael Gove to write to head teachers of all primary and secondary schools, urging them to flag up the dangers of FGM before the summer holidays, when girls are at the greatest risk.

      The Guardian reports that the Scottish government has already said it will write to heads throughout Scotland, and following sustained public pressure Michael Gove agreed to meet with Mohamed to discuss the issue.

      Ban wrote in a comment piece for the Guardian: "It has been deeply inspiring for me to hear that a 17-year-old, Fahma Mohamed, supported by the Guardian, has attracted well over 200,000 signatures to her petition demanding action to end female genital mutilation.

      "Headteachers – and governments – have a vital role to play in helping to convince families not to send their daughters abroad and help those girls, some 24,000 in the UK alone – thought to be at risk. The decision of the Scottish government to write to every headteacher asking them to train staff and educate parents is a major step forward."

      Fahma, who is a trustee of the charity Integrate Bristol, said she was honoured to receive Ban's support.

      "It's great that our campaign has had such a wide reaching impact and I'm truly honoured by Ban Ki-moon's support and praise," she said.

      "If he can help us persuade Michael Gove and the Department for Education that they need to act, and now, then all of us in my Integrate Bristol group would be delighted.”

      Fahma was chosen to head the campaign because of her work with Integrate Bristol, an educational charity in the Lawrence Hill area which empowers young people to learn about and take positive action against gender-based violence.

      The charity made a film in 2011 called Silent Scream and organised an international conference in Bristol on FGM.

      Tuesday, 25 February 2014

      The Real Agenda Behind the Push for "Islamophobia"

      Islamists have been successful in building the Islamophobia industry: it diverts attention from activities they would probably prefer not be noticed, such as promoting sharia law in the West, stealth jihad, and a push to implement a global Islamic caliphate, among many others.

      What is ironic and hypocritical about the Islamophobia hype from members of the OIC is their double-standards when it comes to minorities in their own lands. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, the Palestinian Authority and Iran are among OIC members that have appalling human rights violations against minorities.

      Islamophobia has almost become a fad for a certain group of academics and Muslims across North America. 2013 was a bumper year for Islamophobia conferences in America and abroad.

      • "Islam, Political Islam, and Islamophobia: an International Conference" was held at Indiana University, Bloomington on March 29-30, 2013.
      • "Islam, Politics and Islamophobia," an international conference of the Ottoman and Modern Turkish Studies Chair, took place at the Indiana Memorial Union Faculty.
      • "International Conference on Islamophobia: Law & Media", hosted in Istanbul, was organized by the Directorate General of Press and Information, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and under the auspices of Mr. Bulent Arinc, the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, and took place in September, 2013. The website starts off by stating "Islamophobia, which is a term used to express the groundless fear and intolerance of Islam and Muslims, has swept the world, becoming detrimental to international peace especially in recent years."
      • The IWIC's 2013 conference on "Women in Islam," in Atlanta, Georgia from November 22 to 24, used the theme, "Eradicating Islamophobia."

      One would think that four conferences in one year would be enough for the International group of speakers to discuss, debate and hash out that, in their view, there is an epidemic of Muslim-bashing taking place in North America.

      However it seems that these are not enough to complete the agenda of the Islamists. Therefore this year the University of California, Berkeley is hosting its fifth annual International conference on the study of Islamophobia, from April 14 to 19, 2014.

      It is frightening to realize that this is their fifth such conference; the website states, "the obsessive pre-occupation of everything related to Islam and Muslims, congressional and parliamentary hearings criminalizing Muslims and violations of their civil liberties and rights, domestic and international surveillance programs exclusively on Muslims and Arabs, extra-judicial use of force on Muslims and Arabs, interventions, military campaigns, and policies rationalizing its exercise, are, in essence, what we see and bear witness in the Muslim world. These are the direct effects of latent Islamophobia."

      University of California, Berkeley is home to Professor Hatem Bazian, who directs the school's "Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project," and teaches a course titled, "Asian American Studies 132AC: Islamophobia."

      Seriously? A course on Islamophobia? Recently, Professor Bazian told 100 students in his class to tweet about Islamophobia -- all being done to promote an agenda of "victimhood."

      Obviously the Islamophobia conferences, the courses and the tweeting professor must find support for their self-serving propaganda somewhere. Part of this support comes from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), an international organization consisting of 57 Arab and Muslim member states, including the entity of the Palestinian Authority. The organization states that it is "the collective voice of the Muslim world" and works to "safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony." The term "Muslim world" is offensive: no one speaks for all Muslims, and for the OIC to consider itself the "voice of the Muslim world" is dictatorial in the extreme.

      No surprise, then, that on their website they have an Islamophobia Observatory, where they mention their support of Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18, adopted in 2011, on "Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence, and violence against persons based on religion or belief".

      What is ironic and hypocritical about all the Islamophobia hype by members of the OIC is their double standards when it comes to minorities in their own lands. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, the Palestinian Authority and Iran are among OIC members that have appalling human rights violations against minorities, and are routinely ignored under UNHRC Resolution 16/18.

      Let us take a moment to look at Islamophobia. According to a 1997 report by the UK's Runnymede Trust, the term has existed since the 1980s and was first used in print in 1991. Runnymede defined Islamophobia as the "dread or hatred of Islam -- and, therefore, to the fear or dislike of all Muslims," adding that "[w]ithin Britain it means that Muslims are frequently excluded from the economic, social and public life of the nation ... and are frequently victims of discrimination and harassment."

      Are majority of Muslims really excluded from the economic, social and public life in the USA and Canada? There are no statistics to verify such a statement. To the contrary, most North American Muslims live with full freedom as part of their social networks unless they ghettoize themselves by choice -- as many do.

      Many Muslims in the West use "Islamophobia" as a penalty card against free speech whenever there is criticism of Muslims. This knee-jerk and reactionary response stifles dialogue, debate and discussion -- all signs of a healthy thriving democracy -- as increasingly seems a primary objective. North America is a region where freedom of expression is a cherished value. That includes the freedom to criticize the followers of a faith if they are indulging in violence, intolerance and radicalization.

      How did this Islamophobia theory become mainstream and so popular? In North America there is already an existing sense of guilt – one might call this "white liberal guilt." It is a guilt that Christians have already built into their faith, and that other North Americans have been made aware of from their treatment of Natives; Canadians have guilt about residential schools and wartime internment of the Japanese; and the Europeans have guilt about having mistreated people in their colonies, as well as the complicity of many of their grandparents had with the Nazis in rounding up and sending Jews and others to their death during the German Third Reich.

      The Islamists readily and eagerly build on this guilt when they play the "victimhood" card and join with some academics, who buy into that concept to build an highly profitable industry of the supposedly aggrieved called "Islamophobia."

      Islamists have been successful in building the Islamophobia industry: it diverts attention from activities they would probably prefer not be noticed, such promoting sharia law in the West, stealth jihad and a push to implement a global Islamic Caliphate, among many others. Any non-Muslim who questions the Islamists' intentions to promote the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood is immediately slapped with an Islamophobiafatwa [religious opinion], thus rendering most well behaved and civil Westerners, silenced and apologetic.

      This is not only racist but, for the most part, a form of emotional extortion intended to extract special concessions from well-meaning but gullible people the West.

      Islamophobia is also a convenient pseudo-cause around which to whip up young followers: they are informed, whether true or not, that they have much to be aggrieved about and that the only solution is to close down free speech, demonize all who might have an opinion that differs from theirs or who ask "inconvenient" questions, and to start creating an authoritarian political movement in which they might feel a meaningful participant.

      But in the long run it can only numb the minds and hearts of young Muslims growing up in the West, and destroy all spirit of enquiry and independent thinking -- as increasingly seems to be another of its objectives.

      Unstable Neighborhood: Terrorist Groups Encircle Israel

      Smaller Gazan terror groups have taken to "sub-contracting jobs" to terrorists in the neighboring Sinai Peninsula, to avoid exposing Hamas in Gaza to Israeli retaliation. Hamas and Islamic Jihad use the she same "trick". It also allows them to build up their own rocket arsenals to prepare for a future clash with Israel.

      A breakdown in state sovereignty among Arab countries bordering Israel has created a vacuum eagerly filled by radical non-state actors.

      In lawless areas around Israel, both Sunni and Shi'ite terrorist organizations are reaching out across borders and moving personnel and weapons. This means that an eruption of violence in one area carries the potential to ignite other arenas around Israel.

      To Israel's south and west, Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist networks are growing. They operate in both the Gaza Strip and in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, and maintain a relationship with Gaza's rulers – Hamas – as well as with Islamic Jihad.

      Smaller Gazan terror groups, such as the Popular Resistance Committees (which are heavily involved in firing rockets at Israel) have taken to "sub-contracting jobs" to terrorists in the neighboring Sinai Peninsula, to avoid exposing Hamas in Gaza to Israeli retaliation.

      Hamas and Islamic Jihad use the same "trick" when they wish to attempt low signature terror attacks. It also allows them to build up their own rocket arsenals to prepare for a future clash with Israel.

      The transnational terror networks in Gaza and Sinai will likely soon link up with extremist jihadi groups in Syria and Lebanon, meaning that pro-Al-Qaeda elements can be expected to pose a tactical threat to four of Israel's borders: Egypt, Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon.

      To Israel's north, Shi'ite Hezbollah has sent large numbers of fighters to Syria: at the moment, in addition to its traditional bases in southern Lebanon, the Iranian-backed terror organization, armed with some 100,000 rockets and missiles, can use Syria as a staging ground for future attacks on Israel. In the same vein, terror networks link the Gaza Strip to the West Bank.

      Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad are actively trying to construct terror cells in the West Bank and east Jerusalem; so far, these efforts have been successfully stopped by Israel's domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet .

      Even if efforts by Gazan terrorists to orchestrate attacks in the West Bank fail, however, a future flare-up in Gaza will likely lead to a rise in spontaneous violent disturbances in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, as already occurred during a 2012 conflict in Gaza between Hamas and Israel.

      Egypt's ongoing lack of stability has made it difficult for Cairo to exercise control over the Sinai Peninsula, despite the best efforts of the Egyptian military to combat the threat. Under the leadership of its military chief, Field Marshal Mohamed Fattah Al-Sisi, Egypt, like Israel, views the Gaza Strip as a national security threat, due to the movement of hundreds of Salafi jihadi terrorists and weapons between Gaza and Sinai through underground tunnels. It is these terrorists who are now frequently attacking Egyptian security forces there.

      Meanwhile, to Israel's north, Syria has, to all intents and purposes, imploded, with the Assad regime controlling, according to some estimates, no more than 40% percent of the country. Syria has also become the world's top recruitment area for Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups; some 30,000 jihadi fighters are thought now to be active there.

      The IDF's Rimon special-forces unit conducts a training exercise in the Golan, near the Syrian border, on Feb. 2. (Image source: IDF)

      Lebanon, which has hinged its existence as a state on a delicate sectarian balance, is reeling from the war exploding in next door Syria -- a conflict that has seen over a million Syrian refugees, as well as radical Sunni groups, move into Lebanon.

      It is this uncertain reality for which the IDF is preparing. These initiatives include enhanced intelligence, strengthened border security, improved surveillance capabilities, and swift responses to any sudden eruption of conflict on multiple fronts.

      The dramatic changes in the region have prompted the Israel Defense Forces to put a special focus on its intelligence and precision-fire capabilities.

      Hi-tech intelligence-gathering techniques give Israel a superior chance of receiving a prior warning before threats materialize, while precision-guided weapons, which can be deployed by the air force or from ground-based platforms, enable the IDF to strike targets both near and far at a moment's notice.

      Israel is prepared, even if it hopes that these preparations will not be necessary.

      Yaakov Lappin

      Monday, 24 February 2014

      Op-Ed: Obama is Burnishing His Legacy

      Obama is planning a visit to Iran

      Unlike most re-elected presidents, Barack Hussein Obama is deftly exploiting foreign affairs at the expense of Israel and his own country's national security to burnish his legacy.

      And while it is not surprising anymore, this president's manic delusions of grandeur and 'shameless' power grabs are intentional and not merely coincidence.

      Obama's cynicism, deception, pathological lying, betrayal and broken promises to "fundamentally transform the United States of America" are not surprising because his Third World philosophy, vision, dreams and plans are irreconcilably at odds with our Constitution.

      For Obama to remake our country into what he wants it to be, he must subvert the Supreme Law of the Land and build an imperial presidency.

      That could explain the repetitive trends of impressive White House directives emanating from a government in cahoots with a compliant Congress.

      Since Obama assured Israel that "you are not alone" less than a year ago, escalating sectarian strife and intractable conflicts in the Middle East presented Jerusalem with an enormous challenge to protect and defend itself from Islamic extremists intent on attacking the Jewish state.

      Speculation aside, the Arabic language Kuwaiti news outlet Al-Jarida has learned from a US diplomat that 'Obama is seeking to visit Tehran  this year and was expecting for the invitation to devote his new administration's policy in the region based on the principle of non-military involvement and harmony'.
      The source pointed out that the most significant detail remaining to be decided is 'whether there will be a meeting between Obama and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, or whether that meeting won't be held'.
      According to unknown diplomat, "Obama wants to be the first US president to visit Iran since the Khomeini revolution in order to show that he is an advocate of peace and dialogue even with those who chant death to America."

      Similar to how it reacted during secret US backchannel talks with Tehran, already a "violation of the special relationship with Israel”; the White House categorically denied the report.

      Although the improved ties with Tehran seem to be in America’s national security interests, Obama's desperation to  reach a comprehensive nuclear accord in exchange for Iran's recognition as a nuclear threshold state effectively betrays Israel and US Arab allies.

      Under prevailing circumstances, Obama will not lift a finger to destroy Iran's nuclear program. But, we should also bear in mind that despite Obama's capitulation to the Iranians, Israel's ability to strike Iran's illicit nuclear program remains undiminished.

      Regardless of the reasons for betraying Israel, the imprudent Obama administration's naive foreign policy demonstrates an astounding diplomatic incompetence:

      The  two-state framework is going nowhere and in danger of collapse; and the interim deal, castigated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  as an "historic mistake" was a grand deception that has nothing to do with dismantling Iran's nuclear infrastructure.

      For these reasons, wary and assertive critics are 'casting Obama as a sucker for an Iranian charm offensive.' With regards to the Israeli-Palestinian talks, Israeli Defense Minister, Moshe Ya’alon denounced Secretary of State John  Kerry's project “obsessive and messianic.”

      Other Israeli officials are quite unforgiving and slammed Kerry for threats onboycott and  implied incitement for Palestinians to pursue a "Third Intifada" should talks fail.

      Quite frankly, something is terribly amiss with Israeli leaders apologizing for their truthful, frank and outspoken assessments of emerging frontline threats to Israel. It was a terrible mistake, unfair and unnecessary gesture of appeasement.  

      Netanyahu's next meeting with Obama in March should serve a stern warning to Washington that 'enough is enough' and that Israel's determination of "denying Tehran an atomic bomb capability" is sacrosanct.
      First and foremost, "diplomacy is about taking excuses, not giving them".

      Overwhelming pessimism abounds, but the resolution of the faltering US-sponsored peace process with the Palestinian Arabs should depend on the successful final outcome of nuclear diplomacy with Iran.
      The US failure to address Syria’s dangerous disintegration and threat of terrorism from Hezbollah will not prevent Iran from building atomic weapons.

      And that leaves Israel with no option but to act on its own. It will come to pass soon. Israel has the undeniable advantage to deliver a swift military-cyber-strategic blow to Iran's controversial nuclear program. In reality, the 'genocidal Islamic fundamentalists ruling Iran are contemporary Nazis reinforced with messianic beliefs'. Annihilation of the Jewish people and global hegemony are the only reasons why Iran would not stop from seeking nuclear weapons.

      Iran giving up its nuclear weapons ambition is untenable and the potential for a comprehensive nuclear deal unattainable for the following reasons:

      The Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) which is an “extra-territorial sanction” recognizes the fact that Iran's illicit nuclear activities, combined with its unconventional and ballistic missile production and support for international terrorism represents a threat to the security of Israel, the US and its allies around the world.
      For one, it may not be politically correct to argue that Iran will not be free from the grip of sanctions until the Islamic regime first improves its human rights record and cease its support for international terrorism.
      Over time, ongoing talks on a comprehensive nuclear agreement between Iran and six world powers is impossible- without dismantling Iran's nuclear infrastructure .

      Iran's ultimate goal is to become a nuclear-weapon state. In his presentation of “Worldwide Threat Assessment” to Congress in January 2014, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that, "Iran’s ultimate nuclear intentions remain"

      Although Iran claimed its nuclear program a symbol of national pride, Tehran's  deployment of an ancient "armada of two" warships closer to the US maritime borders was a desperate  bravado and a necessary appeasement of hardliners in Iran. But then again, 'enemy warships on one’s very doorstep are not exactly foreign policy, but more a matter of national security'.

      The real threat continues to rest on their ability to disrupt maritime traffic in the Persian Gulf, especially the strategic Strait of Hormuz. If anything, Iran’s entire armada consists of outdated warships with antiquated weapons systems and they cannot hope to compete in blue-water operations against the US Navy, so the Islamic regime's provocation against Israeli and American interests is a symbolic "act of foolishness" that may trigger false flag attacks.

      Given the ongoing nuclear negotiations between Iran and the world powers -- the Iranian navy's operation takes place in a politically sensitive context. For the US, this rhetoric translates as continued assurances of the effectiveness of current sanctions.

      Absent serious doubt about what to do, the Iranians have yet to answer the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) questions about the "possible military dimensions" of their nuclear program. In addition, they have now built nearly 20,000 centrifuges and accumulated approximately 5-6 bombs' worth of enriched uranium.

      Unless Ayatollah Khamenei miraculously reverses his relentless xenophobia, Obama's legacy will be that of an American president who appeased the most barbaric Islamic fundamentalist regime in the world.

      Arutz 7

      ANTI SEMITISM IN AMERICA: An Israeli Soldier to American Jews: Wake up!

      A former liberal Israeli, shocked by anti-Israeli anti-antisemitism in America.
      As a young Israeli who had just completed five years of service in the IDF, I looked forward to my new job educating people in the Pacific Northwest about Israel. I was shocked, however, by the anti-Israel bigotry and hostility I encountered, especially in the greater Seattle area, Oregon, and Berkeley. I had been very liberal, a member of the leftist Zionist party, Meretz, but the anti-Semitism and hatred for Israel that I have seen in the U.S. has changed my outlook personally and politically.
      As part of my work as an educator at StandWithUs, between January and May of this year, I  traveled to college campuses, high schools and churches, sharing the history of modern Israel.  I also shared personal stories about growing up in the Jewish state, and about my family. I always spoke about my military service as an officer in an IDF COGAT unit that attends to the needs of Palestinian civilians who are not involved in the conflict and promotes Palestinian civil society. Each time I would speak and take questions for an hour or more. I have shared my personal story with over 16,000 people at many, many college campuses and high schools, including UC Berkeley, Stanford, the University of Washington, Seattle University and many others. Many of those to whom I spoke were supportive, friendly, and open to hearing about my Israel. But, sadly, far too many were not.
      When I served as a soldier in the West Bank, I got used to having ugly things said to me, but nothing prepared me for the misinformation, demonization of Israel, and the gut-wrenching, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hostility expressed by many students, professors, church members, and even some high school students right here in the Pacific Northwest.
      I was further shocked by how unaware the organized Jewish community is and how little they are actually doing to counter this rising anti-Semitism, which motivated me to write this article.
      This new form of bigotry against Israel has been called the “new anti-Semitism,” with “Israel” replacing “Jew” in traditional anti-Semitic imagery and canards, singling out and discriminating against the Jewish state, and denying the Jewish people alone the right to self-determination. The new anti-Semitism is packaged in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS), which claims to champion Palestinian rights though its real goal is to erode American support for Israel, discredit Jews who support Israel, and pave the way for eliminating the Jewish state. One of BDS’ central demands is the “complete right of return” for all the descendants of the original Palestinian refugees, subtle language that means the end of Israel as the Jewish homeland because it would turn Israel into a Palestinian-Arab majority state.
      It is surprising that an extremist group like BDS is ever taken seriously, but BDS advocates have found receptive audiences in some circles. Their campaigns are well organized and in many cases, well financed. They have lobbied universities, corporations, food co-ops, churches, performing artists, labor unions, and other organizations to boycott Israel and companies that do business with Israel. But even if these groups don’t agree to treat Israel as a pariah state, the BDS activists manage to spread their anti-Israel misinformation, lies and prejudice simply by forcing a debate based on their false claims about Israel.
      To give you a taste of the viciousness of the BDS attacks, let me cite just a few of the many shocking experiences I have had. At a BDS event in Portland, a professor from a Seattle university told the assembled crowd that the Jews of Israel have no national rights and should be forced out of the country. When I asked, “Where do you want them to go?” she calmly answered, “I don’t care. I don’t care if they don’t have any place else to go. They should not be there.” When I responded that she was calling for ethnic cleansing, both she and her supporters denied it. And during a presentation in Seattle, I spoke about my longing for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. When I was done, a woman in her 60’s stood up and yelled at me, “You are worse than the Nazis. You are just like the Nazi youth!” A number of times I was repeatedly accused of being a killer, though I have never hurt anyone in my life. On other occasions, anti-Israel activists called me a rapist. The claims go beyond being absurd – in one case, a professor asked me if I knew how many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces. I answered that as far as I knew, none. She triumphantly responded that I was right, because, she said, “You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.”
      Such irrational accusations are symptomatic of dangerous anti-Semitism. Yet, alarmingly, most mainstream American Jews are completely oblivious to this ugly movement and the threat it poses. They seem to be asleep, unaware that this anti-Jewish bigotry is peddled on campuses, by speakers in high schools, churches, and communities, and is often deceptively camouflaged in the rhetoric of human rights.
      The American Jewish community and its leaders are not providing a united front to combat this latest threat. Unfortunately, this repeats a pattern of Jewish communal groups failing to unite in a timely way to counter threats against us individually and as a community.
      Shockingly, a small but very vocal number of Jews actively support BDS. They often belong to organizations that prominently include “Jewish” in their names, like Jewish Voice for Peace, to give cover to BDS and the anti-Semitism that animates it. A question that we, as a Jewish community must ask ourselves, is whether it is ever appropriate to include and accept Jews who support BDS and directly or indirectly advocate the ultimate elimination of the Jewish State of Israel.
      I think it is not.
      My experiences in America have changed me. I never expected to encounter such hatred and lies. I never believed that such anti-Semitism still existed, especially in the U.S. I never knew that the battlefield was not just Gaza, the West Bank, and hostile Middle Eastern countries wanting to destroy Israel and kill our citizens and soldiers. It is also here in America, where a battle must be waged against prejudice and lies.
      I implore American Jews: do more.
      Israel cannot fight this big battle alone. If you are affiliated with a Jewish organization, let it know you want it to actively, openly and unequivocally oppose the BDS campaign and those who support it. Inform yourself, your friends and families, by visiting websites of organizations like StandWithUs, Jewish Virtual Library, AIPAC, AJC and others that will update you and provide information about BDS and anti-Semitism.
      I urge the organized Jewish community and its members to wake up and stand up for the Jewish state of Israel, and for all it represents, and for all it works to achieve.
      Times of Israel 

      Military Intelligence expanding to cope with jihadi threat from Syria

      The IDF remains concerned that al-Qaida affiliated organizations will seek to turn their guns, bombs, and rockets against Israel in the future.

      The IDF prevents Israel's enemies, such as Hezbollah, from growing stronger "almost every night," a senior security source said this week.

      Despite the efforts of IDF Military Intelligence, Hezbollah is believed to be armed with some 100,000 rockets and missiles, including a small but deadly collection of satellite-guided projectiles that can be used to target key Israeli installations and national infrastructure sites in a future war.

      Military Intelligence has created a fully formed list of Hezbollah targets.

      Military Intelligence is also growing in size, to cope with the mushrooming of global jihadi operatives in next-door Syria. The IDF remains concerned that al-Qaida affiliated organizations will seek to turn their guns, bombs, and rockets against Israel in the future.

      The security source described changes at Military Intelligence as "dramatic," adding that "a thousand people moved from place to another" as part of restructuring.

      The goal is to allow the "end user," which could be a battalion or company commander, to receive the most up to date and relevant information for his battle arena.

      "Intelligence is important, not just because of technology. If we don't have a clue who we should shoot at, we will end up firing in many directions," the source said, adding that good intelligence will result in a quick, accurate, and decisive blow to enemies.

      In August 2013, unnamed US officials told The New York Times that a July 5 IAF strike on a Syrian warehouse near Latakia targeted Russian-made Yakhont missiles destined for Hezbollah, and that the strike failed to destroy all of the missiles.

      At the end of January, foreign reports claimed that Israeli fighter jets flying over northern Lebanon struck Latakia again. Some reports speculated that the targets were S-300 air defense systems destined for Hezbollah.

      Steinitz after meeting US’s top Iran negotiator: Israel reserves right to act independently

      Netanyahu: Iran believes it can "realize its plan to be a nuclear threshold state."

      Israel reserves the right to assess the Iranian situation and make the necessary decisions independently, Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said Sunday after emerging from some five hours of talks with Wendy Sherman, Washington's top Iran negotiator.

      "Israel reiterated and made clear its position that an agreement with Iran must include dismantling its ability to progress toward a nuclear weapon," Steinitz said, using code for Israel's long-standing position that the world needed to insist that Iran dismantle all it's uranium enrichment capabilities. This position clashes with that of the world powers currently negotiating with Iran, which is now seemingly willing to allow Iran some enrichment capability.

      Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made the same point publicly at the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting, saying he was concerned Iran believed it could "realize its plan to be a nuclear threshold state, with an enrichment capability that it thinks cannot be touched, and with the ability to develop both nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles, which it is continuing to work on unhindered." "This combination of enrichment, weapons and launch capabilities, means that Iran is, in effect, receiving everything and giving almost nothing," he said. "That is the current situation." Netanyahu said that the long-term agreement now being negotiated between the P5+1 (the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany) and Iran cannot be allowed to render permanent this current state of affairs.

      The long term agreement, he said, must "dismantle the Iranian ability to either produce or launch nuclear weapons, and this has yet to be achieved, and without the insistence of the major powers, it will not be achieved." Sherman, the US Under Secretary of State who led Washington’s delegation to the recent talks in Vienna, briefed Steinitz and National Security Council head Yossi Cohen and staff members from various other government and intelligence agencies on the Vienna talks.

      Steinitz said the dialogue with Sherman dealt in "great detail" with diplomatic, intelligence and technical aspects of the Iranian nuclear program, and was part of Israel's ongoing strategic dialogue with the US.

      Sherman has made it a practice of coming to Jerusalem after every round of talks with the Iranians to immediately brief Israel. She made clear Saturday night, however, that she does not agree with Israel's position that Iran must not be allowed any uranium enrichment capability, saying Iran might be allowed a "limited" nuclear program "that addresses practical needs." "I would like there to be zero enrichment," she said. "I would like there to be no facilities, I would like there not to be an indigenous program. I would like many things in life. But that does not mean I will get them." Sherman will also be briefing officials in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates this week, states which are as concerned as Israel at the prospect of Iran gaining nuclear capabilities.

      Over the last two weeks Netanyahu has once again stepped up the rhetoric against Iran's nuclear program, saying that the country has not altered any of its aggressive policies. This is expected to be the item on the top of his agenda when he is scheduled to meet US President Barack Obama in Washington next Monday. 

      PA Depicts a World Wthout Israel

      Below are just a few samples of how Palestinian Authroity brainwash the "fake" Palestinians through the media.

      Mother`s tears form map, which baby drinks 
      Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 1, 2014
      A PA daily cartoon shows a Palestinian mother crying, with tears in the shape of a map of Israel and the PA areas.

      Cloth map broadcast on PA TV erases Israel 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Jan. 27, 2014
      This cloth map appeared as part of a PA TV News broadcast about a women’s arts and crafts fair in Hebron. The map was made by one of the participants in the fair, who described it as a map of "Palestine." It shows all of Israel and the PA areas as one territorial unit, with a map of Palestine above it.

      Girl scouts pose beside map of “Palestine” erasing Israel 
      Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 17, 2014
      The PA daily posted a picture of young scouts from the Jericho district. The scouts are shown posing in front of a cut-out map of "Palestine" that includes Israel and the PA areas. The scouts are funded by the Education Administration for the Jericho and Jordan Valley district, which is part of the PA.

      Israeli-Arab on PA TV: Jaffa, Haifa, Acre are Palestinian; “We want a single-state solution” 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Jan. 14, 2014
      Official PA TV’s A View from Inside program discussed the suggestion of a population exchange where areas of present day Israel populated predominantly by Arabs would become part of the Palestinian state once an agreement is reached, while areas populated predominantly by Jews in the West Bank would remain Israeli. The question was raised why Israeli Arabs oppose such a plan. Guests on the program included University Lecturer Yusuf Jabarin and Raja Aghbariyya representing “Children of the Land” on the Supreme Council of the Arab Community in the Palestinian Interior (i.e., the State of Israel). This is an independent organization made up of Israeli Arabs who consider themselves Palestinians.
      Raja Aghbariyya: “The idea of a population exchange with the settlers is unacceptable… Now you know, we as Children of the Land, I want the borders of Palestine to reach the Mediterranean Sea; I want all of Palestine. This is my land. Jaffa is Palestinian land; Haifa is Palestinian land; Acre is Palestinian land, and you can keep going up. We want a single-state solution.”

      PA TV rebroadcasts song: Tiberias, Acre, Haifa, and Jaffa are in "my country Palestine" 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Jan. 8, 2014
      "Oh flying bird, circling around,
      by Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy.
      My country Palestine is beautiful.
      Turn to Safed, and then to Tiberias,
      and send regards to the sea of Acre and Haifa.
      Don't forget Nazareth - the Arab fortress,
      and tell Beit Shean about its people's return.
      Oh flying bird, circling around...
      by Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy.
      My country Palestine is beautiful.
      Drink the water of Jaffa's port,
      don't forget Ramle and Ramallah.
      Oh flying bird, circling around...
      by Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy.
      My country Palestine is beautiful."
      Click to view video
      Click to view bulletin

      Note: This song has been broadcast in slightly different versions on PA TV. The full lyrics of this version of the song name the following places in Israel: Safed, Tiberias, Acre, Haifa, Nazareth, Beit Shean, Jaffa, and Ramle. The full lyrics name the following places in the PA: Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, and Ramallah.
      This song has been rebroadcast dozens of times on PA TV and PA TV Live since it originally aired on June 24, 2011.

      PA TV song states Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, Nazareth and more are Palestinian 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Jan. 5, 2014
      "Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, and Nazareth are ours.
      [I] Muhammad sing about the Galilee and the Golan (Heights).
      Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and Nazareth are ours.
      [I] Kabha sing about the Galilee and the Golan (Heights).
      From Bethlehem to Jenin is Palestinian,
      Ramle, Lod and Sakhnin are Palestinian.
      Nowhere is more beautiful than Jerusalem;
      no matter how much we travel
      From Safed to Al-Badhan (near Nablus) is Palestinian;
      Tiberias and Ashkelon are Palestinian."
      Click to view video
      Click to view bulletin

      Note: Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, Nazareth, the Galilee, the Golan Heights, Lod, Ramle, Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Ashkelon are Israeli cities and places. This song originally aired May 13, 2011 and was rebroadcast dozens of times since then.

      Compilation of 8 versions of a Palestinian song presenting Israeli cities as part of "Palestine" 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Jan. 5, 2014
      "Oh flying bird, circling around,
      My eyes protect you and Allah keeps you safe" [PA TV, April 20 - Oct. 24, 2013]

      "By Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy.
      My country Palestine is beautiful."
      [PA TV, Jan. 17- Dec. 21, 2013]

      "Turn to Safed, and then to Tiberias,
      and send regards to the sea of Acre and Haifa."
      [PA TV, June 24, 2011 - Dec. 28, 2013]

      "Turn to Safed, and then to Tiberias,
      and send regards to the sea of Acre and Haifa."
      [PA TV, Dec. 20, 2013]

      "Don't forget Nazareth, the Arab fortress,
      and tell Beit Shean about its people's return."
      [PA TV, Oct. 2012 - May 16, 2013]

      "Don't forget Nazareth, the Arab fortress,
      and tell Beit Shean about its people's return."
      [PA TV, Sept. 27, 2013]

      "My eyes protect you and Allah keeps you safe
      By Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy."
      [PA TV, June 2, 2012 - June 19, 2013]

      Boy: "My country Palestine is beautiful...
      In Be'er Sheva send greetings to this region
      Palestine - the remedy for my wounds."
      PA TV host: "Bravo, applause, applause, applause."
      Boy: "In the music lesson the teacher sang this song."
      [PA TV, Jan. 26, 2013]
      Click to view video

      Song misrepresents Israeli cities as "Palestine" at Fatah event 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 21, 2013
      Singer Manal Musa: "Oh flying bird, circling round,
      My eyes protect you and Allah keeps you safe
      By Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy
      My country Palestine is beautiful...
      Turn to Safed, and then to Tiberias,
      Turn to Safed, and then to Tiberias,
      And send regards to the sea of Acre and Haifa
      Don't forget Nazareth, the Arab fortress,
      And tell Beit Shean about its people's return...
      My country Palestine is beautiful."
      Click to view video
      Click to view bulletin

      Note: This song has been broadcast in slightly different versions on PA TV. The full lyrics of this version of the song name the following places in Israel: Safed, Tiberias, Acre, Haifa, Nazareth, Beit Shean, Deir Al-Assad, the Negev. In the PA: Gaza, Ramallah, Hebron, Jenin, Nablus, Bethlehem, Tulkarem.
      This video originally aired on Jan. 17, 2013 and was rebroadcast April 5, May 26, July 5, Aug. 8, 10, Oct. 27, Dec. 12, 17, and 21, 2013.

      Children sing: Tiberias, Acre, Haifa, and Jaffa are in "my country Palestine" 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 20, 2013
      PA TV host: “Tell me, what do you like to do? What are your hobbies?”
      Boy: “Singing is my hobby…”
      Host: “Good, so go ahead, sing something for us.”
      Boy: “I’m singing [a song by Arab Idol winner] Muhammad Assaf”
      Host: “You want to sing a Muhammad Assaf song? What will you sing?”
      Boy: “Oh, Flying Bird…”
      “Oh flying bird, circling around
      My eyes protect you and Allah keeps you safe…”
      [Band joins in and several children sing]
      “Oh flying bird, circling around
      My eyes protect you and Allah keeps you safe
      By Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy.
      My country Palestine is beautiful.
      Turn to Safed, and then to Tiberias,
      and send regards to the sea of Acre and Haifa.
      Don't forget Nazareth - the Arab fortress,
      and tell Beit Shean about its people's return.
      My country Palestine is beautiful."
      Click to view video
      Click to view bulletin

      Note: This song has been broadcast in at least five other slightly different versions on PA TV. The full lyrics of the different versions of this song misrepresent the following places in Israel as "Palestine": Jaffa, Ramle, Safed, Tiberias, Acre, Haifa, Nazareth, Beit Shean, and Be'er Sheva, and mention the following places in the PA: Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho, and Gaza. The different versions of this song have been rebroadcast dozens of times on PA TV and PA TV Live

      Plaques awarded to terrorists show map of "Palestine" erasing Israel 
      Source: Official PA TV Live, Dec. 9, 2013
      PA Minister of Culture Anwar Abu Aisha hands plaque to released murderer Muhammad Nasr
      At a PA event under the auspices of Abbas, PA Minister of Culture Anwar Abu Aisha honored released terrorists by awarding them PA plaques of honor. The plaques showed a map of "Palestine" that deny the existence of Israel.
      Click to view bulletin

      PLO map depicts Israel as “Palestine” 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 8, 2013
      During a broadcast commemorating the anniversary of the First Intifada, the following PLO map and logo were shown. A map of Israel and the PA areas is displayed below the PA flag.
      “The Palestinian Liberation Organization.
      National Unity, General Arab Mobilization.

      PA daily columnist: “Palestine” is “from the River to the Sea” (i.e., all of Israel) 
      Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 26, 2013
      Columnist for official PA daily Adel Abd Al-Rahman:      “One does not wish to get into a historical argument about historical places and sites in Palestine [which is] from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, in which every plot of land holds the Palestinian-Arab past, [ever] since the first Canaanite stepped on Palestinian soil thousands of years ago.”

      Israeli cities misrepresented as "Palestine" in PA TV song 
      Source: Official PA TV Live, Nov. 23, 2013
      "Oh bird, take me to [my] homeland
      Color my eyelids with the soil of Palestine
      Send greetings to Acre and to the Upper Galilee
      To Bir Zeit, Haifa, Tira and Ayn Ghazal (Moshav Ofer)
      To Jerusalem, Jaffa, Gaza and Jabalya
      To Nablus, Ramallah and Jenin
      To Khan Yunis, Rafah and Qalqilya
      To Lod, Tubas and Hebron
      To Be'er Sheva -- every [Bedouin] tribe
      To Tulkarm, Sila and Burqin
      To Tiberias, Umm Al-Fahm and Beit Shean
      To Tzippori, Lubya (Kibbutz Lavi) and Tur'an
      To Nazareth and Safed of [Mount] Canaan
      To Al-Shajara (Moshav Ilaniya), El-Bireh and Hittin (Moshav Arbel)
      Oh bird, take me to [my] homeland
      Color my eyelids with the soil of Palestine"
      Click to view video

      Note: The following cities and sites mentioned in the song are located in Israel: Acre, Upper Galilee, Haifa, Tira, Moshav Ofer, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Nablus, Lod, Be'er Sheva, Tiberias, Beit Shean, Tzippori, Umm Al-Fahm, Kibbutz Lavi, Tur'an, Nazareth, Safed, Moshav Ilani, Moshav Arbel.
      PA TV broadcast dozens of times since 2012 on PA TV and PA TV Live.

      Map erases Israel at demonstration 
      Source: Official PA TV Live, Nov. 6, 2013
      During a protest by families of prisoners seeking the release of their relatives from Israeli prisons, the adjacent poster was displayed. The poster shows a map of “Palestine” that erase all of Israel. The map is shown behind prison bars, conveying the message that the all Palestinian land is "imprisoned."

      Map on Fatah poster erases Israel - at event attended by Abbas 
      Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 4, 2013
      PA Chairman Abbas during a meeting of Fatah's Advisory Council in Ramallah. Behind Abbas, a poster displays Fatah's logo, which includes a map erasing all of Israel.

      Map on Fatah Facebook portrays Israel as Palestine 
      Source: Facebook, Fatah - The Main Page, Nov. 2, 2013
      A photo posted on Fatah's "Main Page" on Facebook shows all of Israel and the Palestinian areas covered in a Palestinian flag with the word "Palestine" in red behind the map.
      Text: “To the death for your sake, Palestine”

      Cartoon in official PA daily shows map erasing Israel 
      Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 31, 2013
      A cartoon in the official PA daily showed a map with prison bars over it. The map included all of Israel and the PA areas.
      Text: “[A] life sentence” 

      PA TV song - Jaffa and Haifa are in my country Palestine  
      Source: Official PA TV Live, Oct. 30, 2013
      "I wish I could enter my country with no borders...
      I will go about in Bethlehem and in Al-Aqsa [Mosque], which is held captive
      I will eat lunch in Nazareth and eat dinner in Beit Sahour...
      I do not forget Jenin nor Nablus, and the Galilee
      I do not forget you, Jaffa, your long sea [shore]
      I will never forget the olives of the Galilee
      Even if our path has grown long, one day we will return:
      To Jerusalem, to Gaza, to Acre, to Haifa, oh Lord.
      To Jerusalem, to Ramle, to Acre, to Haifa, oh Lord...
      I wish I could enter my country with no borders."
      Click to view video
      Click to view bulletin

      Note: Nazareth, Jaffa, Acre, and Haifa are all cities in Israel. The song has been broadcast repeatedly on PA TV. It aired 25 times in 2012 and 37 times in 2013, most recently on Oct. 30, 2013.

      PA Minister presents map of “Palestine” including all of Israel 
      Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Oct. 26, 2013
      PA Minister of Agriculture Walid Assaf presents a gift to a delegation of journalists from Oman. The gift is a map carved in wood including all of Israel and the PA areas. The Palestinian flag is on the map and the word “Palestine” is carved in wood as well as another shape bearing the PA’s logo.

      source. PMW