Blogging From Israel. A blog created for Jewish Zionists & non-Jewish supporters of Zionism in the defense of Israel as the Jewish Homeland. For the interests & defense of Jewish people world-wide.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Israel files UN complaint over PA praise of terrorist
Israel's ambassador to the UN lodged a complaint with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Wednesday over a condolence letter sent by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to the family of a terrorist killed by Israeli forces.
The IDF said Mohamed Aazi was among the planners of the bombing on the No. 142 bus in central Tel Aviv during Operation Pillar of Defense as the bus drove near the Kirya, the Israeli military's headquarters.
"When we talk about the troubling rise of incitement and its effects on the hearts and minds of young Palestinians," wrote Ambassador Ron Prosor, "there cannot be a more outrageous example than an incident that occurred last week. At the heart of this incident is Mohamed Assi, a terrorist responsible for the November 2012 bus bomb explosion that injured 29 civilians in the center of Tel Aviv."
Aazi was killed in an early morning clash with Israeli special forces, not far from the village of Bil'in, west of Ramallah in the West Bank, last Tuesday. The last of those alleged to have planned the bombing still on the loose, Aazi, 28, had been in hiding and was planning another attack against Israeli civilians or army forces, Israeli sources said.
After the incident, Abbas called Aazi a "dear son," according to a copy of the letter cited by Prosor. Prosor called the move "amazing, astonishing, and outrageous."
Times of Israel
Abbas vows there will be no peace agreement unless ALL prisoners go free
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday that there would be no agreement with Israel as long as even one Palestinian remained in Israeli prison.
Abbas was speaking during a reception at the Mukata presidential compound in Ramallah for Palestinians released from Israeli prison.
Twenty-one prisoners were released to the West Bank, while another five were returned to the Gaza Strip, where Hamas did not hold a reception for them.After hugging and kissing each one of the freed prisoners, Abbas vowed to pursue his efforts to secure the release of all inmates.
“We welcome and salute our veteran heroes who were behind bars and have now entered the world of freedom,” Abbas told the released prisoners and their families.
Abbas said that the third batch of prisoners would be released after two months.
“Now we are talking about 104 prisoners,” he added. “But our joy would not be complete unless all the prisoners are released.”
Abbas strongly denied that he had agreed to continued construction in the settlements in return for the release of prisoners.
He said that “unpatriotic” people were behind the rumors about a “prisoner-for-settlement” deal.
“Settlement is null and void,” Abbas said.
The PA condemned the Israeli government’s decision to build new housing units in West Bank settlements and east Jerusalem neighborhoods.
Nabil Abu Rudaineh, spokesman for the PA presidency, said that the decision was “destructive to the peace process.” He said that the new plans are a message to the international community that Israel does not abide by international law and continues to place obstacles in front of the peace process.
Abu Rudaineh said that the plans prompt the Palestinians and Arabs to lose confidence in the ability of the Israeli government to make peace.
“All the settlements are illegal,” he said. “No settlement will remain on Palestinian territories.”
Israel, meanwhile, was angered and concerned by the celebrations that greeted the freed terrorists in Ramallah.
“Every time we see the celebrations in Ramallah for people who are guilty of the most heinous crimes against innocent people – civilians, the elderly and children – this is problematic and always raises questions about whether the Palestinians have really turned the corner,” Mark Regev, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s spokesman, said, pointing out that the Palestinians had committed themselves under the Oslo accords to no more terrorism.
“But instead of condemning terrorism, they are celebrating terrorists,” Regev stated. “I would ask the Palestinians what message they are sending to us when they celebrate their murderers, when they put them on a pedestal. And what is the message they are sending to Palestinian youth if they turn these people into heroes?” One government official said he did not know of any request sent by Israel to the Palestinian Authority, either directly or through the US, to tone down the celebrations. As was the case during the first prisoner release in August under the current negotiation framework, the 26 convicted terrorists set free Tuesday were released late at night both to reduce the size of the Palestinian celebrations and to limit the pictures of those festivities streaming into Israeli homes.
In a related development, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor wrote a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Wednesday, condemning a letter of condolence written by Abbas to the family of Mohamed Assi – a terrorist responsible for planning a Tel Aviv bus bombing attack last November that injured 29 people – who was killed last week during a firefight with IDF forces.
“With great pain we received the news of the martyr’s death, of the dear son, the late fighter Mohamed Assi, who was murdered by the killing gangs of the Occupation Army in cold blood,” Abbas wrote. “We express to all of you and to his distinguished family our sincere condolences on his passing and stress to you that the Occupation’s crimes will not frighten our people, and that the blood of all the martyrs will not be spilled in vain.”
“Terrorism does not begin with an attack on a bus or a café,” Prosor asserted. “That is how terrorism ends. Terrorism begins when its perpetrators are indoctrinated with words and thoughts of hate.”
Abbas’s letter was “just the most recent example of the incitement poisoning the next generation,” Prosor added. “In classrooms, textbooks, and houses of worship, Palestinian children are being taught hate instead of peace; violence instead of tolerance; and martyrdom instead of mutual understanding.
I urge you to condemn the rise in incitement and to urge others in the international community to do the same.”
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Jerusalem post
SHOCKING Bias of the BBC in their anti-Israel and pro-Palstinian reporting
The BBC, yet again, has shown its anti-Israel credentials in its latest report on the Terrorist releases from prison and the so-called settlement building in East Jerusalem. This blog has dissected this latest BBC anti Israel trade and placed in our own comments.
For your reference the BBC's report is included in 'Italic Courier' whilst our replies to their sentences are included in 'Arial normal non Italic' replies. We hope you enjoy the report and our comments.
The Report is as follows :
BBC report begins
"Israel has announced plans to build new homes in a Jewish settlement in occupied East Jerusalem, hours after freeing 26 Palestinian prisoners".
This Blog
The BBC still endlessly continues to refer to East Jerusalem as 'Occupied' - the fact that it was occupied beforehand and liberated back to the Jewish people is something the 'BBC' overlooks. History, biblical proof and even religious references proving beyond doubt that Israel is the Jewish homeland and Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish world is lost upon the self interested little lefties at the BBC. They would almost certainly laugh at this last statement, totally disregarding the Jewish faith, whilst at the same time bending over backwards to accommodate Islamic sentiment and concerns.
The Palestinian Authority said the move was "destructive to peace efforts".
This Blog
So the PA considers it Destructive does it? We wonder if the PA is also concerned about the destructive nature of shooting 9 year old Israeli children in the neck? Or sadistically butchering Israeli soldiers after kidnapping them? Or firing thousands or Rockets into Israel from their friends in Gaza, hitting schools, civilian dwellings and murdering and maiming thousands? Does the PA feel the same concern that one of their 'citizens' threw a grenade last week on a school bus? Or the countless other murders committed by those acting on behalf of this tin pot little administration? Better still does the BBC feel any worry or concern?
"It is believed to be an attempt by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to assuage anger in Israel at the release of the long-term prisoners overnight".
This Blog
NOTHING could 'assuage' the anger at the release of these barbaric murderers, rapists, murders of children and the butchers of future innocents, as inevitably will be the case. So for the BBC to argue that somehow Benjamin Netanyahu was trying divert attention just shows the depths of their own morality and thinking.
"The convicted murderers were freed as part of a US-brokered agreement to resume direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks after a three-year hiatus".
This Blog
CONVICTED MURDERERS is the right word! It was a US brokered 'Deal' struck to appease the cry babies of the PA who are never content with any deal for long before they're demanding yet more concessions. It was a deal struck by the Obama administration, supported by the EU and UK, that has effectively put Israel in an even more perilous situation and has given Israel's enemies more 'Skilled' terrorists to cause havoc, murder and maim. It was a deal struck that was all weighed heavily on the so-called Palestinian side and was biased in every way detrimental to Israel's interests.
"The men - the second of four groups to be released over nine months - were welcomed by thousands of people in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas".
This Blog
Yes this is very true. The 'peace loving' Palestinians were seen dancing in the street, chanting insults at Israel, burning Israeli flags, hanging by the neck effigies of Israelis and Jews, Shouting 'death to Jews' 'Israel will burn in hell fire' and many other enchanting words of peace.
"On Wednesday morning, the Israeli interior ministry placed an advert in a Jerusalem newspaper announcing that it was pressing ahead with a project to expand Ramat Shlomo.
The plans, which were approved by the Jerusalem district planning committee in September 2011, include the construction of 1,531 housing units, public buildings and gardens.
The government also approved the development of a tourism and archaeology centre near Jerusalem's sensitive Old City, as well as plans for the establishment of a national park on Mount Scopus in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem campus.
An estimated 200,000 settlers currently live in East Jerusalem, alongside 370,000 Palestinians".
This Blog
The bit about the 'settlers' is a bit confusing because if anything the settlers are the Palestinians. Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish people, like mecca is the capital of Islam. Would the BBC refer the Muslims as settlers living near Mecca if, for example, the remains of a synagogue was discovered near to Mecca and Jews demanded that the area was a place for Jewish worship?
"Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 Middle East war and formally annexed the area in 1980. Settlements built there and elsewhere in the occupied West Bank are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this".
This Blog
Israel 'captured' East Jerusalem.....The BBC just don't get it do they? Or 'Annexed' and again 'Occupied' - then the words 'Illegal' and finally that good old 'international law' - Oh and naturally Israel disputes this....Um we wonder why?
The BBC is so desperately trying to place Israel into a category Israel is not. Israel is a democratic, law abiding, humane, modern Western country. Its citizens are equal as in any western country, discrimination is illegal, like in any civilised country and the law protects everyone, Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike. The Israeli Defence Forces accepts Jews, Christians and Muslims and all serve Israel proudly. So why is it that this vile corporation called the BBC continue to vilify, lie about and try to destroy the decent reputation of this only middle eastern democracy? Why? Why doesn't it treat the nations around Israel with the same scorn? Why doesn't it talk about the 'Occupied' territory of Gaza that was stolen from Israel in yet another deal 'Brokered' by the US in 2005 and since used as a rocket launch pad by Hamas to kill Israeli women and children? Why doesn't the BBC talk about the 'Illegal' activities of the PA and Hamas, like smuggling through tunnels, harbouring terrorists, making public hate speech's boasting of Israel's annihilation and the butchering of Israeli woman and children in the most horrific manner? We wonder if any 'International Law' might be a bit disregarded there?
"Israel regards Jerusalem as its eternal and undivided capital. However, Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of their future state".
This Blog
Israel 'Regards' Jerusalem as its eternal and undivided capital the BBC states. Well yes, Israel does, like Britain 'Regards' London as its eternal and undivided capital and Washington is considered the eternal and undivided capital of the US and if we're going to be Islamic about it Mecca is regarded as the eternal and undivided capital of Islam.
The BBC seems to again overlook history, thousands of years of history, biblical history and fact. One day in the not too distant future the BBC will be forced to recognise this 'eternal and undivided' historical fact because Israelis will not give in one instant to the demands of this interfering corporation and they will fight to their dying breaths for their country and their history, no matter how much it offends some busy liberal bodies in the London offices of the BBC.
Wednesday's announcement is seen as an attempt by Mr Netanyahu to placate right-wing members of his coalition government and many Israelis who have sharply criticised his decision to release 26 prisoners convicted of killing Israelis between 1984 and 1994.
"This is a difficult decision that we have made with a heavy heart," his Defence Minister, Moshe Yaalon, said on Tuesday.
Mr Netanyahu was reportedly persuaded by US Secretary of State John Kerry earlier this year to agree to the prisoner release programme after Mr Abbas agreed not to insist that all settlement construction was halted before he would restart negotiations".
This Blog
Well John Kerry, under the orders of his Islamist boss Obama, forced Israel into a corner with backing of the Arab dominated UN. This whole deal was pushed through by an anti-Israel US government and supported by a gang of corrupt leaders at the UN whose records for human rights are abysmal. And Mr Abbas agreement 'not' to insist on settlement building was halted was so solid it was broke before the ink dried on John Kerry's papers.
"The Palestinian Authority reacted angrily to Wednesday's announcement, but it was not immediately clear if it would have any impact on the talks.....
This Blog
Ummm we bet it does.....
"We are worried and concerned that if Israel continues with the expansion of settlements, this might kill the two states vision which we would like to see on this land," Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah said.
This Blog
We told you it would!
"Nabil Abu Rudeina, a spokesman for the president, told the AFP news agency that the move "destroys the peace process and is a message to the international community that Israel is a country that does not respect international law".
This Blog
Really? Like throwing hand grenades on school buses won't upset the apple cart then? Or the PA allowing and even funding dancing party goers who are chanting death messages to Israel and openly attacking Jews on the West Bank, this then is good for and 'Vision' is it?
"In a statement, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he understood Israel had taken a "difficult step" in continuing to release prisoners and appreciated the gesture, but warned: "Settlement activity is contrary to international law and constitutes an obstacle to peace.
"Any measures that prejudge final status issues will not be recognised by the international community," he added.
This Blog
Is that right? UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was right about the difficult step and he wants to remember it, as well as Abbas's 'promise' about 'Not' demanding any halts to settlement building, before he opens his trap and starts condemning Israel. He also, before sprouting words like 'International Law', needs to consider the attacks on Israel, the barbaric murders of innocent Israelis, even in the last month or so, as well as the thousands upon thousands of Rockets fired at Israel by his pals in Gaza, not forgetting the hate, vile anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic nations that surround Israel and that want Israel wiped off the map.
Global Zionism
Iran's Terror Entity in Lebanon - One out of every ten homes in Lebanon now has a rocket launcher or Hezbollah weapons stored in it
One out of every ten homes in Lebanon now has a rocket launcher or Hezbollah weapons stored in it, according to Gilad Erdan, Israel's Home Front Defense Minister. Civilian homes are constructed in a way that allows the roof to open up for the firing of a rocket at Israel. Added up, the number of rockets and missiles reached is 200,000.
In the chaotic Middle East, every day brings new strategic changes and brutal instances of violence, the one thing that has remained constant is Iran's continuing construction of a military-terrorist missile base in Lebanon.
Misleading BBC report on PA financial crisis focuses on ‘wealthdisparity’

In its attempt to explain the Palestinian Authority's current - and seemingly evergreen - budget deficit, the report does briefly touch on the subject of salaries and benefits paid to members of the inactive Palestinian Legislative Council but fails to sufficiently clarify to viewers that in addition, an estimated 60,000 PA employees (some 40% of the total) reside in the Gaza Strip where the PA not functioned for over six years.
The report also makes no mention of serious allegations of corruption which are far from new - but were recently highlighted by European auditors - or of the fact that some 6% of the PA budget is spent on salaries for imprisoned terrorists, including those affiliated with Hamas.
The subject of the terminally ailing finances of the Palestinian Authority is certainly one which would probably be of considerable interest to BBC audiences - especially those in the donor countries supporting the PA. However, there is far more to the subject of the PA budget deficit than "wealth disparity", as some in depth, accurate and impartial reporting would reveal.
BBC Watch
The Brotherhood on Campus: Your Tax Dollars at Work
The Glazov Gang - Steven Emerson on the Sordid World of CAIR - click here to watch video
The BBC will destroy itself if it doesn't address bias
MK Regev: Prisoner release a sign of weakness
Give & receive
Hezbollah in America - Growing Hezbollah Presence In Southwest U.S.
Law enforcement officials across the Southwest are reporting a rise in imprisoned gang members with Farsi tattoos" and some express loyalty to Hezbollah.
His book includes an eye-opening quote from another official: "You could almost pick your city and you would probably have a [Hezbollah] presence."
Hezbollah's business relationship with Mexican drug cartels is seen as a driving force behind the phenomenon.
In 2009, Michael Braun, former Chief of Operations for the Drug Enforcement Agency, said that Hezbollah uses "the same criminal weapons smugglers, document traffickers and transportation experts as the drug cartels."
In April 2010, an individual named Jamal Yousef was apprehended in New York City. During interrogation, he admitted to stealing weapons from Iraq for Hezbollah. Yousef alone knew of a Hezbollah stockpile in Mexico that included 100 M-16 assault rifles, 100 AR-15 rifles, 2500 hand grenades, C4 explosives and anti-tank weapons.
An actual member of Hezbollah was captured in Tijuana in July 2010. His arrest was the smoking gun proof that Hezbollah is investing in building a network in Mexico.
An unnamed senior Mexican military officer confirmed to then-Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) that Hezbollah was giving explosives training to members of Mexican drug cartels. She wrote a letter to the Department of Homeland Security warning it "might lead to Israel-like car bombings of Mexican/USA border personnel or National Guard units in the border regions."
Very shortly thereafter, a drug cartel detonated a car bomb for the first time and killed 4 people in Ciudad Juarez. It was described as having "Hezbollah-like sophistication" and a Tucson Police Department reported later said there is a "strong suspicion" that Hezbollah had traded its expertise.
Hezbollah's presence goes further south than Mexico. The Venezuelan government has been accused of colluding with Hezbollah and Iran for years. It's long been understood that Hezbollah operates in the tri-border area of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.
The Wall Street Journal says that Hezbollah is "forging ideologically promiscuous ties with Colombia's right-wing paramilitary groups and communist guerillas and digging tunnels for drug cartels on the Mexican-American border - the same kinds of tunnel networks it has spent years perfecting along the geographically similar Lebanese-Israeli border."
Jews News