Just a short introduction to the point of this post..... About the page - Fake Profiles and SCAM Buster, admin of the page Lyn Morales. All the posts below I took of Fake Profiles were posted by admin of the page, wrongly accusing Mark Faulkner, a few times, of being a fake person, liar, sociopath, wannabe, pathetic person. Serious accusations, when, admin didn't & doesn't know Mark Faulkner in person, never spoken on the phone even and only knew him on Facebook a few weeks before starting with all this defamation of character.
Lyn Morales has also accused other military personnel, including former US Marines, of being fake when they are clearly real. This is Mark Faulkner's case, but he, as I, hope that what he has to show of himself will help others come forward and will also help viewers not believe what they see on this 'fake page' - the name of good people are being put in vain and this clearly has to stop.
I was added to this page as admin, posted one post at the very beginning, when the post were of a different nature, not dragging a good persons name through the mud. You may notice my name Kim Friedman is still in - about - on the page as contact., even though I removed myself as admin months ago, when my request for these post about Mark Faulkner to be taken down was refused, and laughed at. You may ask why my name is still there, good question, I spent a whole evening and most of the night trying to get admin to take my name off contact. As you can see she flatly refused, didn't see why I wanted my name removing, didn't see why It was important to me.
Below a message from Mark Faulkner.
My name is Mark Faulkner. I am British and served in the British Army for nearly 15 years full time service and at present I am serving as a reservist. During my army career I served as an Infantry soldier reaching the rank of corporal. During my career I passed many courses in weapons handling and other subjects as well completing my British Army Parachute Training Course in Parachute Regiment Depot which I passed in 1993.
I served in many locations during my service, including obviously many UK locations - Cyprus, the US, Canada, Norway, Kenya in Africa, as well as for 6 months in Bosnia in 1994.
I also did two operational tours of Northern Ireland during my service once in 1988 for 6 months and then for over two years from 1989-1991, during the conflict there. During this service within this conflict I served as an infantry soldier, a APV (Armoured Personnel Vehicle) driver and finally I became a team commander in charge of a fire team of four men. Also for the last 3 months of my service I served in Close Observation Platoon (C.O.P) where I had to undergo a strict and tough selection, after which, my job entailed close recce operations up close to terrorist bases, homes and other locations. On returning back to the UK after I was attached to the battalion Recce platoon due to this experience.
In October 1990 I was caught in a bomb blast that occurred whilst on a foot patrol & was hospitalized for a short while before being sent back to complete my tour of duty.
I received and was awarded the ‘Clasp Northern Ireland’ medal for service in that conflict.
During my full time service I served in Rifle Companies, Support Company (including mortar platoon & Recce platoons)
Since leaving full time service I have served for four years from 2000 - 2004 as an infantry soldier reservist and then as an instructor in 2004-2008 with the ACF where I reached the rank of sergeant where I was in charge of recruit training within the detachment I was posted.
In the last year 2012 to the present I rejoined as a reservist on a full time service contract within an infantry unit. I intend on doing this for another year and then hang up my combats after nearly 23 service all told, including full time, part time and ACF service,
I also received many other qualifications which can be viewed on this blog
From the page Fake Profiles and Scam Buster.
Here admin of Fake Profiles has posted about a REAL sociopath Kaleb Kai Laurence Yodhehwawheh and as you see mention more sociopaths who have been in the news. BUT she goes onto liken Mark Faulkner to these REAL sociopaths, when she doesn't even know the guy. Why?
Fact - Mark Faulkner is NOT a sociopath.
admin of this page does NOT know Mark Faulkner
click on link - Fake Profiles & Scam Buster, to see these REAL sociopaths admin is likening an innocent man Mark Faulkner to.
Below a post posted by admin of Fake Profile and Scam Buster, accusing accusing Mark Faulkner of being delusional, of not being a soldier, when he is a soldier, accusing him of having multiple face-books which he hasn't, saying hes a weak loner, no friends or family, FAR from the truth. Anyway read admins comments below, every words is untrue.
Below a post posted by admin of Fake Profile and Scam Buster, accusing accusing Mark Faulkner of being delusional, of not being a soldier, when he is a soldier, accusing him of having multiple face-books which he hasn't, saying hes a weak loner, no friends or family, FAR from the truth. Anyway read admins comments below, every words is untrue.
Notice the "poor" attempt of blackening the mans surname out of view.... very sly.
admin of this page does NOT know Mark Faulkner in person.
Her admin decides Mark Faulkner is a - "WANNABEE" - sociopath - notice the sarcastic humor haha "tiny rips from crawling about"
Above admin is comparing Mark Faulkner, (again I say someone she knows nothing about) to REAL sociopaths, in REAL LIFE. This is serious defamation of character and grossly incorrect.
Guess what Lyn Morales....Mark Faulkner IS REAL
yep still a soldier only a few days ago
Mark Faulkner British Army Reserves, exercise 27th August 2013.
From Fake Profiles and SCAM Buster
This is low of the low....Likening Mark Faulkner to a REAL sociopath who takes on the identity of a dead soldier, only scum of the earth could do that.
read FB Fake Profile and SCAM Buster's comments
"OMG sick" very true Aimee, and OMG sick of the admin of Fake Profiles to liken Mark Faulkner an innocent, normal, man and soldier.
Here admin of Fake Profiles is posting about STOLEN VALOR, what I fail to understand is why she used Mark Faulkner's photo, on a real army training exercise. When he has nothing to do with stolen valor.
As far as I am concerned, and many are concerned, the fact that she accuses guys without proof, insults US & UK troops
Mark Faulkners Army Service
17 years of age in basic training - 1987
On a foot patrol (right) in the in Londonderry during the Northern Ireland conflict in 1989
On a foot patrol of the 'Creggan' northern Ireland 1989
the above flats and houses were regularly used as firing point
At 17 years of age in basic training Mark is middle row second from the right
Medal awarded for service in the Northern Ireland conflict with name and number engraved
Today (both photos above & below ) serving as a reservist
Another view of the medal awarded to Mark for nearly three years service in a conflict that was similar to the troubles endured by Israel on the West Bank and in which Marks enemies were actually allies with the PLO.
Above is two copies of a crucial document disproving Lyn Morales insane belief that Mark is somehow suffering as a sociopath. This form is an official British Ministry of defence vetting form, an ENHANCED vetting record, clearing him of any criminal convictions, mental problems or any issues that would effect his capability to do his job. NOTE in the left picture it clearly states NONE RECORDED all the way down. This actually clears him to work with minors (children) as the recruits he taught as a training sergeant in the ACF were of minor age (Under 18) Girls & boys

The official form issuing Mark the Clasp Northern Ireland medal
Above and below are copies of Marks Parachute 'training record' recording training and jumps
Discharge papers & service description - Note Mark received the highest military conduct upon leaving full time service which was - EXEMPLARY

Weapons Systems experience & Courses passed

MOD ARMY NVQ Qualifications obtained attributed to service conduct & exams -
NOTE - Mark received a level ONE the HIGHEST qualification.
From Mark Faulkner
As a footnote I'd like to point out that Lyn Morales has also insulted other soldiers, US as well as UK soldiers, and she has not once bothered to check if her accusations are correct. If she had any moral standing and asked me I would have happily provided her with the information required, but she didn't bother, instead she went off on a tirade of insults, abuse and slandering jibes that is in fact illegal.
She has also accused former US marines of being fake and she has vilified people without a shred of evidence, only her own assumption, which we all know is no justification for pointing the finger and accusing people of things. I would urge people to report this fraud and fake 'one woman judge and jury' and get her vile page and everything to do with her off line and into the cyber bin of history where it belongs and where she belongs.
She has also accused former US marines of being fake and she has vilified people without a shred of evidence, only her own assumption, which we all know is no justification for pointing the finger and accusing people of things. I would urge people to report this fraud and fake 'one woman judge and jury' and get her vile page and everything to do with her off line and into the cyber bin of history where it belongs and where she belongs.

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